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Workplace Needs Assessment


​A workplace Needs Assessment (WPN) is carried out generally at the employee’s place of

work.  The meeting is between the employer or line manager, employee and the workplace

needs assessor initially, it can also include HR.  It is a semi-formal interview to look at the

specific job role of an individual and the specific difficulties that they may have as a result of their

dyslexia. A questionnaire is sent out prior to the assessment to be completed by the employee and



The WPN assessor and employee then spend about 1 to 2 hours to go through any assessment that has

been carried out identifying their strengths and weaknesses and what specific areas of their job role they

are finding difficult and also to go through the questionnaire and job description.  Where possible the WPN

assessor will observe the employee at work.  This information will then contribute to a final report which will

be sent to the employer and employee.  There will be an opportunity to discuss the report with the WPN assessor.


Strategies and reasonable adjustments will be advised that can be implemented to support a dyslexic employee in the workplace. The assessment may recommend work place coaching that is specific to the individual, based on the report, to help implement the recommendations.   The specific concerns and requirements of the organisation will be considered before making recommendations for reasonable adjustments. The WPN assessor will also consider the working environment.

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Recommendations can include:


  • Assistive software recommendations


  • Strategies to support the employee within the workplace that are at no cost or very low cost to the company.  Often simple adjustments and strategies are recommended that will be all that is needed to improve an employee’s performance and confidence.


  • 1:1 coaching, including support and coping strategies.  This is bespoke training based on the individual employee and the individual skills needed for their specific employment.  A coaching plan will be devised based on the psychological assessment and information from the WPN assessment.


  • Awareness training for employers and colleagues

Duration: The full WPN assessment can take up to 3 hours.  A report is written and sent within 10 working days.  

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