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Exam Access Arrangements


Exam Access Arrangements (EAA’s) are the reasonable adjustments that can be made for

an individual to enable them to compete equally with their peers in an exam situation. An

individual may be eligible for EAA’s if they have a slower processing speed, memory difficulties

or literacy difficulties such as reading and writing (both quality and speed).


An EAA assessment involves cognitive testing and an assessment of literacy (including reading

ability, comprehension, reading speed, spelling, writing speed and writing quality). The report will

make recommendations for exam access arrangements based on the assessment findings. It is not a

diagnostic assessment. We are also happy to complete the relevant section of the required Form 8.

Common exam access arrangements include:


  • Extra time (usually 25%)

  • A reader

  • A scribe

  • Assistive technology, such as a reading pen, word processor, voice processor or computer reader

  • Modified exam papers (e.g. different colour or font, modified language)

Duration: Approximately 1.5-2 hours.

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